Rent Northside Harvest Park for your next special occasion!

Northside Harvest Park is available as an event venue – host a party, concert, fundraiser, or anything else you can image! The property is available for 4-hour and full-day rentals.

Email Heather Raines for more info:

  • Venue

    Northside Harvest Park is home to the Hub City Farmers’ Market’s Saturday Market and Hub City Roots Urban Farm, adjacent to The Butterfly Foundation, and Butterfly Creek and Park.

    Harvest Park grew from the idea that a community working together could fight food disparities in Spartanburg. The facility springs from the effort of many partners: local, regional, and national, all with the idea of creating a “farm to fork” opportunity in a food desert. Harvest Park offers Northside residents a chance to buy healthy produce within walking distance for the first time in more than a generation. It also gives the greater Spartanburg community a place to gather for the weekly farmers’ market, concert, party, or other event.

    This ground-breaking shopping plaza represents all aspects of the food system. At the rear of the property, the Urban Farm intensively cultivates produce on a half-acre site, which eventually ends up in HCFM’s Mobile Market or the Butterfly Foundation’s Monarch Cafe and Food Store. In concept, design, and execution, Harvest Park is a model of collaboration and determination to rid the community of a food desert.